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District heating systems have typically been controlled by independent, local SCADA systems for each boiler station but these can often be replaced with a common Netcon 3000 system, which brings in the advantage of centralized control of the network.

Netcon 3000 can take care of it all:

  • Ready-made control dialogs – reducing the number of required pictures to just a fraction of what it was before.
  • Advanced, dynamical reporting functionality – all in one place.
  • Advanced functionality – for the management of user privileges.
  • Fully supportive – a multi-user environment.
  • Includes several locations – and redundant systems.
  • Flexible connection possibilities – for connecting the PLCs, normally over OPC (Ole for Process Control).

A centralized SCADA system requires a communication network. Today this will usually be an IP network, with the associated cybersecurity risks. Irrespective of you SCADA system, our new Netcon DOME service can monitor your network (or, indeed, any OT environment), detect cybersecurity deviations and respond to them according to your SLA with Netcontrol.

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District heating systems have typically been controlled by independent, local SCADA systems for each boiler station but these can often be replaced with a common Netcon 3000 system, which brings in the advantage of centralized control of the network.

Netcon 3000 can take care of it all:

  • Ready-made control dialogs – reducing the number of required pictures to just a fraction of what it was before.
  • Advanced, dynamical reporting functionality – all in one place.
  • Advanced functionality – for the management of user privileges.
  • Fully supportive – a multi-user environment.
  • Includes several locations – and redundant systems.
  • Flexible connection possibilities – for connecting the PLCs, normally over OPC (Ole for Process Control).

A centralized SCADA system requires a communication network. Today this will usually be an IP network, with the associated cybersecurity risks. Irrespective of you SCADA system, our new Netcon DOME service can monitor your network (or, indeed, any OT environment), detect cybersecurity deviations and respond to them according to your SLA with Netcontrol.

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